April 7-28, 2024, 9:30 am EST | Our Licensed Unity Teacher, Cynthia Roberts, facilitates this fascinating class based on "The Leap: The Psychology of Spiritual Awakening" by Steve Taylor. As the class will explore, “Challenges are the lifeblood of all evolution. …Every seeming obstacle to your happiness or fulfillment is a potential portal into presence. Modify your response to it & see what happens. ….The Universe wants to become more conscious & the main life purpose is to come into alignment with the Universe’s Purpose."
Books are available in the church bookstore or from any online bookseller.
The April classes begin April 7. Classes meet every Sunday in Fellowship Hall and online via Zoom from 9:30 to 10:30 am Eastern Time. Suggested Love Offering is $35 for all 4 classes.


April 7-28, 2024, 9:30 am EST
Our Licensed Unity Teacher, Cynthia Roberts, facilitates this fascinating class based on "The Leap: The Psychology of Spiritual Awakening" by Steve Taylor. As the class will explore, “Challenges are the lifeblood of all evolution. …Every seeming obstacle to your happiness or fulfillment is a potential portal into presence. Modify your response to it & see what happens. ….The Universe wants to become more conscious & the main life purpose is to come into alignment with the Universe’s Purpose."
Books are available in the church bookstore or from any online bookseller.
The April classes begin April 7. Classes meet every Sunday in Fellowship Hall and online via Zoom from 9:30 to 10:30 am Eastern Time. Suggested Love Offering is $35 for all 4 classes.